14 October 2007


I finally got my new toy. A motorcycle! Yeah, I'm an American Bad Ass now! I felt really cool at the dealer when this 65 year old black lady was next me buying her new bike. She has been riding for years and was just trading in her old one. Out ridden by Grannie. I mean she had grey hair and was wobbly when she walked, but she jumped on the ole' iron horse and rode off like she was 20. I was ashamed, because I almost wrecked pulling out of the parking lot!

It's a good thing I don't live somewhere like Dahlonega, GA where there are REALLY curvy mountain roads. Oh, wait.......I'm fooked!

1 comment:

Killjoy said...

Hmmm, a motorcycle. Is this a gift from the Army in exchange for your love and devotion? I'm trying to talk Brian into a woman's equivalent of a motorcycle - a new wedding ring set.