If you don't know, I now live in the mountains. Today was cold. Not just cold, but the kind of cold that makes your nose hurt when you open the door. Today, I decided to PT in the cold in shorts and a T shirt in order to be the hard Ranger that I am. I think I left a testicle on one of the trails I decided to run. A frost bitten nut cleverly now disguised as a pebble. Tomorrow promises to be colder. I guess I will then be nutless. At least not much is lost. I think I am going to invent some ball warmers.
So, in the middle of this of this blog the song "Afternoon Delight" came on. I particularly like this song because, well, it fits our lifestyle. So, I thought I would be cool and turn up the music and get frisky. It failed. I jumped on the bed trying to be all cool and shit, and ended up elbowing Trish in the ankle causing an injury that was impossible to overcome for interest in sex. Then I used my rationale that it was "Afternoon" in that it was past noon and not yet midnight. Yeah, I got about as far as Amelia Earhart did across the ocean, not very. So as a result I am typing about it on this blog. Ole One Nut did not do so well. I guess I had better start a search and rescue mission in the morning. Can they re-attach a nut if it has been frozen the whole time?
1 comment:
So yeah, it was 70 degrees here today - again! And there's some kind of "swell", guess there was storm in New Zealand which is resulting in some killer waves for us here, over 6'. Shirtless (Owww!) surfers everywhere!
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