Well, we have discovered a pretty serious mold problem in our house! Not good. Trish has also found out from the allergist that she is pretty damn allergic to mold. She is now she is on two separate inhalers and other drugs. So is Mely. Great.So....... we get to move again for Christmas!
At least God has taken care of us so far and has made finding a new place very easy. The new house is just as nice as this one, if not nicer and is much cheaper! Needless to say, our lives have been topsy turvy lately. I have been either in the woods with Ranger, jumping out of some kind of aircraft, or doing something that has kept me from being at home. I am ready for Christmas leave, even if it means moving!
I recently received my "report card" on my performance. It was pretty good I guess, at least I am not getting fired. My boss told me to expect to take command of the company I am in after the first of the year! OK, totally unexpected! I think it's mostly because I am the only one available. Pretty easy choice I reckon.
The usual kid drama has been going on, but I have not recorded it since I have been gone so much. I will have to fish out some funny stories for later I guess. I am sure with Christmas coming up, there will be plenty!
Recently my buddy Matt came to visit after his return from Iraq last month. He gave some quotes from me that made him laugh. In reference to my critique of Ranger's placement of his machine guns during an ambush that occurred around 2330 or so:
"Rangers, who can tell me the maximum effective range of an M240B?"
"Rangers, who can tell me the maximum effective range of an M240B?"
Crickets and dumbassed tired Ranger stares in return.
"Let me break it down for you middle of the night Ranger dumb; a long god damn way!"
For some reason this made Matt laugh out loud. Apparently I am full of motivational quotes and life altering advice as I have earned the nickname "Dr. Phil" from some of the men. Great. I hope I get to keep the hair though.
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