12 March 2017


Ever feel like you are spinning out of control? Spiraling downwards. No hand rails, no safety net, just down you go. Have you ever felt like you are in an empty black room that just echoes? No doors or windows, just maybe some cracks to let enough light in to see just a little bit. Do those walls seems to creep in little by little? All of a sudden does the landscape change to a large open area, like a dessert, where you are the only person? Nothing. No wind, not real hot, not cold. Just there. The only way to get anywhere is to walk, but which way do you go? Which way did you come from? There are no terrain features to navigate to or from. Just desert. No water, no help.

Does the sight of the people you love make you sick? Physically sick? Do they make you feel cornered? Ganged up on? Are you the bad guy, all the time? Do you distrust those that should be there to help? Who is on my team? Who is very much opposed to my team? Who is neither for nor against and how do they differ from opposed?

Why is help so hard to get? Why do I have to jump through hoops? Why are there strict rules for where you can get help only for certain things?

Can one get help to fix these things? Why is it when one needs to see fronts, all they see are turned backs?


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