08 November 2007

The Jesus Poop

Tonight Mely took a particularly nasty poop. About 15 minutes later, he surpassed that one with another even nastier one.

ME: "Mely, do you have poop?"

Mel: "Noooooo"

Me: "Let me check" then inserting my thumb into the top of the diaper to pull it away from his backside to inspect for poop as is the usual SOP for a poop check.

Me: "JESUS CHRIST!!!!! Oh my God that's nasty! Freakin' butt pudding!" I now have a thumb covered in poop. Kind of like a poopcicle, or more like I had just scraped the cake batter bowl with my thumb. Good thing I had already eaten supper, the Mexican hamburger pie would not have gone down so well after that!

1 comment:

Killjoy said...

You so nasty. I read this to Brian, he cracked up.