18 October 2009


I'm bored. I am in a desert and I am bored. I have spent most of today playing around on Youtube pulling up music videos. I've done maybe 20 minutes of real work. How do you combat boredom like that? Usually, I would just go PT, 1) It's Sunday, that is my no PT day. 2) I have spent the past week pooping my brains out, so I don't really feel like working out.

I could go pick up my laundry. But that would require that I walk through gravel, again. Gravel, gravel, gravel. If you have never been forced to walk on gravel and gravel only for a year, you just don't understand. I will have to walk across gravel to go get chow, I'll get my clothes then. Maybe.

Shooting people is not really an option either. We don't do that here anymore. The most entertaining thing this week was judging the violentness of my poos. Even that got old quick. I can see how house wives become alcoholics and addicted to pain pills. The place where I live is encircled by a 1.6 mile perimeter and no it's not a prison. Well, not a penal type prison anyway. I see the same dudes everyday. Same food, everyday. Same showers everyday. Same weather everyday. Same routine most everyday. Wake up, coffee, skype, PT, skype, chow, meeting, f-off in office, shower, f-off in office, eat, (nap if lucky), f-off in office, PT, meeting, chow, bed. The trips I do take seem to be more of a pain in the ass than anything else.

The skype piece is by far the best part of the day. I at least get to see my kids act like a bunch of ass clowns! They seem to be more interested in making faces at themselves on their computer screen than they are talking to me, but it's still fun.

I'm so used to being bored, that now I am bored writing this blog. Bored. Bored. Bored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SOOOOOO glad you're blogging again, even if you think you're saying nothing, it's FUNNY!