28 August 2007

Airborne Ops and Broken Elbows

This past Friday I made my first jump since Airborne School in 2002, almost five years to the day. I am proud to say, all went well! I forgot the exhilaration of jumping from a perfectly good aircraft and floating to the earth hearing nothing but the wind in the chute. It is awesome.

My middle daughter, who is more than accident prone, decided to break her elbow this past week. For now she only has a splint on it, but the cast is forthcoming next week. I can't figure that one out, but I'm not a doctor. Now that she has the hard splint on it, she regards it as extra protection and deems it necessary to bang it on EVERYTHING!!! Either that or she just falls on it. She fell in it in the doctors office, in front of the doctor! I mean, she fell on his feet! Of course, this is the girl who trips over the small space between the tiles of a school house floor. She is by far one of the smartest kids I know when it comes to reading and math, but can't walk 10 feet without falling down or running in to something. She had stitches in her face at 2 years old. Thank the Lord for insurance.

My oldest daughter just turned 7 Sunday. I think someone gave her a bag of attitude for her birthday! I called her name yesterday only to hear "Yeah, hold on!" Excuse me? I didn't know that Kim Possible out ranked Daddy! Boy, am I a dumb ass, I guess I better get on the knowledge train and start figuring this stuff out. I wonder what else I don't know? But, little miss independent still cried when Mommy went out of town today and has begged to sleep with Daddy because she misses Mommy. So, now I will have two little princesses in the bed with me for the next two nights which means about zero sleep for me. Since the one with the splint will be next to me, undoubtedly beating the stew out of me with it all night long. Maybe I will just sleep on the floor.

Tomorrow ought to be exciting with Daddy trying to get two little girls ready for school! Fortunately, my mother has taken my son for the next few days to help me out, so I can at least go to work and earn a living. I am sure that my girls will go to school wearing God knows what with their hair in some kind of crazy pony tail looking like a biker dude, and still covered in breakfast. Sucks to be them.



Killjoy said...

U spelt Airborne rong, ya tule!

rmeman said...

No, this was a specialized Army operation. It's spelt differnt. Kind of like Hamlloweems and mooms.